Omaha Recycling Guide
Microwave Meal Trays
Some Restrictions Apply

ACCEPTED: Empty, Clean Plastics #1, #2, #3, or #5
Place EMPTY and CLEAN plastic frozen meal trays marked #1, #2, #3, or #5 in a curbside recycling cart or drop-off site container.
- Rinse to remove food residue
- Keep items loose and do not bag

NOT ACCEPTED: Plastics #4, #6, #7, or Unmarked Plastics
DO NOT place plastic trays made from #4, #6, #7, or unmarked plastics in a City of Omaha curbside recycling cart or drop-off site container. Place these types of containers in the garbage if you cannot use an alternative option.

Related Items: Frozen Food Boxes, Frozen Pizza Inserts, Cellophane & Plastic Film Wraps
Where Else Could It Go?
EMPTY and CLEAN plastic trays made from #4, #6, #7, or unmarked plastics can be placed in an orange Hefty® ReNew® bag. FirstStar Recycling offers this special program to collect hard-to-recycle plastics in our community. To participate, you can purchase orange Hefty® ReNew® bags, which will be collected through your existing curbside and drop-off site services. When filled with accepted materials and tied shut, the bright orange Hefty® ReNew® bag is the ONLY bag that can be placed in a curbside recycling cart or drop-off site container. Learn more about the local Hefty® ReNew® program: